Feng Shui Tip: Keep It Simple







One of the most basic, yet vital points in Feng Shui, is the way energy flows in any given room in your home.  When spatial harmony exists, the drift of energy will be slow, circuitous and auspicious.  Therefore it is important not to over furnish or over decorate…and try not to let pieces of furniture jut out and create sharp edges (poison arrows).  Getting this one major thing right (spatial harmony in the home) will do wonders towards bringing you a life of prosperity and well-being.

Crystal Reiki Certification Course ~ Learn online and at your own pace

Love crystals







Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman, RMT offers Online Courses. The Crystal Reiki Master Teacher Certification Course is being Featured in this post.

Here is a peek at the course content:

Chapter 1     Choosing Crystals

Chapter 2     Cleansing Crystals

Chapter 3     Programming Your Crystals

Chapter 4     The Healing Properties of Crystals & Gemstones

Chapter 5     Star of David Crystal Reiki Configuration

Chapter 6     Crystal Reiki Reflexology

Chapter 7     Crystal Reiki Massage

Chapter 8     Four Directions Crystal Reiki Layout

Chapter 9     Crystal Reiki Relationship Configuration

Chapter 10     Twelve Quartz Crystal Reiki Configuration

Chapter 11     Crystal Reiki Grid Configuration

Chapter 12   Passing an Attunement

Chapter 13   Feng Shui and Crystals/Gemstones

Sign up for your Crystal Reiki Master Teacher Certification Course via Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman’s Website: http://www.whitesagewoman.com/Online-Courses.html

Hold a crystal

Q & A with NSP Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Matt Tripp to discuss Nature’s Sunshine’s newest products.

Q: “Microbiome” is one of the natural health industry’s latest buzzwords. What is it and why is it important?
A: Outside of the lab, organisms rarely live in isolation, but instead live in complex communities; this relationship is referred to as symbiosis. The human body contains about 100 trillion cells, 90 trillion of which are bacteria and fungi that live on us and in us and perform needed or harmful activities. Some of them help with digestion or help extract vitamins or nutrients from food. Others can cause serious illness when not kept in check. Over the past 10 years or so, researchers have discovered that some gut bacteria – when not kept in check by a healthy microbiome – can produce enough endotoxins to trigger a host of problems. For example, endotoxins in the bloodstream have been associated with blood sugar imbalance and weight management issues. If you think of the gut being its own ecosystem, that’s a good analogy for a microbiome.
The health of the microbiome is directly linked with energy levels, immune system health and more. So it’s vital to keep the gut healthy for overall wellbeing.
Q: What steps can a person take to properly care for his/her microbiome?
A: Maintaining a healthy microbiome begins with diet as what we eat can influence the balance of gut microflora. Eating a high-fiber, low-carb diet with lots of vegetables and plenty of protein supports healthy glucose levels, staves off hunger and sugar cravings, and supports pancreatic health. Certain fermentable fibers such as inulin (onions are a good source) give the gut bacteria a vital food source while protein nourishes the body and helps with satiety without overworking the pancreas.
Next we can support the microbiome with key nutrients:
Berberine is a constituent found in a few plants that not only helps support the microbiome, it helps support already-balanced blood sugar levels.
Probiotics (friendly flora) taken daily help maintain the levels of good bacteria in the gut. NutriBiome™ Bacillus Coagulans is able to survive the acidic environment of the stomach, unlike most strains that can lose up to 95% of their viable microbes.
Love and Peas® Sugar Free is a high-protein, low-carb meal replacement powder that allows us the health benefits of nutritious protein, including a feeling of fullness without animal products, gluten, dairy or sugar.
Q: Does cleansing help the gut stay healthy?
A: Yes, periodic cleansing can help remove accumulating waste and toxins from the body, including the microbiome, which is important to helping maintain a healthy balance.
The body is home to two large groups of firmicutes and bacteroides bacteria. Firmicutes extract more energy from food, which is largely unnecessary in today’s western society. Further, some produce potentially harmful endotoxins. These should be eliminated.
New CleanStart® Mild is an effective cleansing program that features psyllium, triphala Ayurvedic fruit blend, bentonite and magnesium. It works in several ways:
supports the body’s natural, everyday cleansing of waste and environmental toxins
provides 5 grams of fiber per serving to help gently move contents through the digestive system for elimination
supports the body’s natural processes of detoxification of the liver, kidneys and bowel
helps maintain energy levels and supports well-being
helps support repopulation of the microbiome with Bacillus coagulans
For best results, consult your physician about using a CleanStart® program two or three times a year for cleansing benefits.
Q: What else helps with toxins?
A: Our new Detox Basics formula was designed to help with DAILY detoxification. Cleansing is only advised from time to time, but we can nourish the body with important nutrients (included in Detox Basics) every day to provide needed detox support:
Milk thistle for liver detoxification support
Berberine for gut health support and to combat endotoxins
N-Acetyl-Cysteine to help upregulate critical cytochrome P450 enzymes, which help process potentially toxic compounds including drugs
Turmeric and Vitamin C to support the immune system
Bacillus coagulans produces lactic acid in the gut, which changes the microenvironment to support healthy microbiome balance
Eating cruciferous vegetables also helps because they assist in hormone balance and in the breakdown of toxins and excretion of heavy metals.
When we clean up the gut and resupply the “good guys,” we give our microbiome the best chance to not just survive, but thrive.
Q: What makes new NutriBiome Bacillus coagulans unique?
A: Bacillus coagulans is a unique, gut-friendly, spore-forming bacteria. Studies show that this strain provides relief from digestive upset, including occasional diarrhea, bloating and gas. It helps detoxify the microbiome and supports immune health. Interestingly, Bacillus coagulans is a heat-stable spore, so it’s got a higher survival rate in the stomach’s acidic environment than most probiotics. That makes Bacillus coagulans highly versatile and portable. I think people will really love it.

Take care of your microbiome with world-class
quality products from Nature’s Sunshine.~ Note from Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman; I am an Independent Distributor for Nature’s Sunshine Products. (NSP) If you have any questions on the products, please contact me.


Numerology for Tuesday, 6 October 2015 by Jane Alton

Jane Alton Header

Numerology for 06/October/2015

Harmony and laughter are important to you today. You are full of ideas and don’t want to get caught up in the mundane or the detail. Some may find your need to be endlessly optimistic, downright depressing. You may have to stand alone with regard to this and go into the quiet to master your emotions and find the peace inside. When you are happy and in harmony you will find this surrounds you – so you may find laughter from unexpected places and people today.

Jane Alton

~ Jane Alton


Numerology for Wednesday, 30 September 2015 by Jane Alton

Jane Alton Header

Numerology for 30/September/2015

You plan with great intelligence, are determined and you do your homework before opening your mouth. You truly want to uplift others with your vision and may be regarded as an expert in your field. But, you may have to ‘get real’ with regard to your plans, as you may be holding on too tightly to your way of doing things. Be open and accepting of new ways of doing things, you may find co-operative ventures inspire you to think in new ways and help you to connect with others in whole new ways.

Jane Alton

~ Jane Alton


Feng Shui Tip: Pets are Magical Healers

Gracie and Ty resting

What is it about pets that make us feel so happy? Is it their loyalty and unconditional love? Pets are really good life energy to have around and they enhance the Feng Shui of your living space, especially if you work outside the home and your home is left empty during the day.


They bring plenty of yang energy to counteract the yin energy of the quiet silence. Their good energy makes us feel upbeat and happy, especially when they greet us as we return home. Even it your pet or pets have torn up an item or had an accident in your home, they really are powerful Healers to have in your life. Always try to see the good in something ‘bad’ that they do. It is such good karma and energetically Balancing to be kind to your pets and have compassion for them. After all, they are helping us more than we realize!

~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman

The picture above is my two dogs, Gracie and her son, Ty.

Feng Shui Tip: Chandeliers

I have always enjoyed the sparkling beauty of chandeliers. Watching the light bounce off and dance with the crystal chandelier jewels always brings a smile to my face. The light I am referring to is the softened natural lightening coming in from windows, during the day. I have a dimmer switch for my chandelier so that I may enjoy the low, soft, reflected light at night time as well.

The most spectacular place to hang chandeliers is in the Southwest area of your home. The combination of fire and earth energies brings wonderful love luck to every resident member. You’ll find your marriage is much happier and younger members of the family will never be short of boyfriends or girlfriends. If you are single, you won’t be for long!

My office is in the Southwest area of our home. The chandelier came with the home, and it was a bit dull in it’s original state. So, my husband drilled tiny holes around the metal rim of each light, and we hung up chandelier crystals to give it a whole new, sparkly look. I picked out the clear crystals and a dear friend gave me the amber ones.


You can find antique or old chandeliers at flea markets, thrift stores and tag sales. It is fun to refinish them and give them an updated look. I know some people may cringe over buying anything antique but you can clear the energy from any item. Plus, you refinishing it, with your energy all over it, does clear and cleanse it. Personally, I collect antiques and haven’t ever had a problem with ‘attached’ energies from previous owners. In fact, many antiques have very few owners. A factory made item….how many people are touching that item? So, new isn’t always better quality wise or energy wise.

As with anything reflective, make sure you clean your chandelier on a monthly basis. This keeps the Balanced energy… Chi…flowing in your home and/or office.

~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman