Feng Shui Tip: The Power of Flowers and Indoor Plants

Feng Shui Flower Power


Flowers and plants are extremely useful in creating good feng shui. Everyone loves fresh flower arrangments as they bring good vibes and great energy into the home. However, good feng shui can quickly be transformed into bad energy, so please note the following:

  • Rotting, wilting flowers – there is nothing worse! Fresh flower arrangements should be thrown out as soon as they start to wilt, as the energy will quickly turn bad.
  • Dried flowers are not good for they represent yin energy. Anything dead or decaying creates an excess of yin energy. When ever there is an excess of either yin or yang energy, it creates unbalanced energy which is not harmonious at all.
  • Flowers and plants create a lot of yang energy which is why they are generally not suited for your bedroom. Placing flowers or plants in the bedroom makes it excessively yang and may create difficulty in resting calming or sleeping soundly. However they are most suitable for people that are sick and would be excellent in the bedroom since they bring precious yang energy to those suffering or recovering from an illness.
  • Cactus plants usually contain deadly thorns and create bad energy when placed inside the home or office. Think of the thorns as tiny poison arrows that could create misfortune or loss. Instead move cactus plant outside where they can act as “protectors” and fend off negative chi that may be attacking your home.  You can place small ornate cactus plants (no more than 3 plants) on an enclosed porch area where it can be protected from cooler weather. I have a beautiful Christmas Cactus and it will die if I leave it outdoors all year long, so I placed it in our enclosed porch area by the front door. It has the ‘job’ of protecting our front door.
  • Bonsai plants suggest stunted growth and are not good feng shui. Even though they can be quite beautiful in their miniature form, they signify blockage to growth making them particularly harmful to relationships, personal growth and business.


Feng Shui is all about creating balance and harmony between nature and your home, property and sacred space. Magickal energies happen when we go with the flow (the productive flow) of nature, not against it (the destructive flow).


~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman




Feng Shui


Feng Shui: Activate the Luck of Friendship with your Allies and Secret Friend!

Your Allies and Secret Friend


Each animal sign in the Chinese Zodiac belongs to an “Affinity Triangle” that is made up of three animal signs. The other two animal signs in your triangle are your “allies”. You tend to get along better with these people who have positive affinity with your personal sign. 


OX, SNAKE & ROOSTER the Intellectuals
TIGER, HORSE & DOG the Adventurers
RABBIT, SHEEP & BOAR the Diplomats
MONKEY, DRAGON & RAT the Competitors


You also have a “Secret Friend” who is especially compatible with you. Your secret friend will help you in times of need and you usually get on well with people of this sign.

Here are the pairings of “Secret Friends”:

Ox & Rat Dragon & Rooster
Tiger & Boar Snake & Monkey
Rabbit & Dog Horse & Sheep

You can activate the luck of your secret friends and allies by displaying their images or symbols in your home. You can also “borrow” the luck of your allies and secret friend if your luck is not so good. For example, if you are a dragon you can display images of your allies; the monkey, dragon and rat in the SE area of your home. You can also display images of the dragon and rooster (secret friends) together in this sector. Now, if you are an ox, display images of the ox, rooster and snake in the NE area of your home, along with the ox and rat (your secret friend).

Best wishes and Happy Chinese New Year!

year of the earth Pig or Boar 2019

Feng Shui Tip: The Dangers of “Excessive Yin Formation” in your Home.

Sometimes things go wrong for no apparent reason. Everyone is in good health and then suddenly sickness descends on the household. Quarrels flare up at home and work without foundation. Friends become adversaries, accidents occur and your stress level is high. Older people may have sudden bouts of arthritis, back aches etc. What is going on? 

Your home may be suffering from what is called “Excessive Yin Formation”. You see, yin forces or yin chi can be very harmful when it dominates the energy of yang spaces like your living or dining areas where you spend a lot of time. It also may affect you in the workplace. You must recognize what’s happening and don’t let yin energy dominate any space in your home … it must be kept to a minimum. Think about your home and how the chi flows. Maybe your son or daughter has gone off to college and their bedroom is dark with the curtains pulled tightly closed, and your unoccupied guestroom is closed and stuffy. These are areas where excessive yin chi can build up. 

Open the windows for yang energy
Open the windows for yang energy

The good news is that Excessive Yin Formation can be quickly removed and/or transformed into yang energy. Do this by giving your home an “energy bath”; open the doors and windows frequently permitting the sunshine, breeze and fresh yang energy to enter. Play music, have a party and let the pets run freely to raise yang chi. Keep accent lights on, such as: Himalayan Salt Lamps, strings of lights and small table or floor lamps. 

Many people suffer from Excessive Yin Formation at work. This may be due to unhappiness from gossip, jealousy or someone reporting false information to your boss to make you look bad. The yin forces just become too dominant. You need more yang energy. If you can, display a picture or a small statue of a rooster painted in red and gold to peck away your problems. The fire and metal energy overcomes the quarrelsome energy. You can also use a Laughing Buddha in gold and red colors. Make sure the image or statue is facing the direction of the person causing you trouble! 

The most important thing to remember in feng shui is Balance! Keep yin and yang in balance but create more yang rather than yin. 

~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman

Feng Shui Healing for your Home, Health and Happiness.


Feng Shui Tip: Your Garden

Feng shui masters often recommend plants to help diffuse bad chi and energize good feng shui. If you are wondering why, it’s because plants represent wood – the only one of the five elements that has life. That’s why garden feng shui is so important, you must ensure that the areas surrounding the exterior of your home are auspicious. This will far surpass anything you do on the inside! 

So, if you live in a home that is surrounded by a garden, be sure it is well cared for, filled with lush and healthy plants and that it has a nice balance of light and shade. In doing so, you will enjoy good fortune. But, if your garden is left untended and weeds and underbrush begin to take over, the once happy energy will dissolve and yin energy will dominate. Your health, prosperity and happiness will certainly suffer. 

Create a lush garden

Note that you don’t need a large garden to attract the precious yang energy that will create a healthy growth of wealth for you. City gardens, apartment and rooftop gardens can also be designed to effectively capture the best energy even with space constraints! 

Most of the good garden feng shui depends on the plants that you select. When you are choosing the plants for your garden, it’s important to keep balance in mind. In addition to lots of healthy flowering plants with happy yang energy, you will also need some shady areas and leafy trees to maintain yin and yang harmony. When we speak of “balance” it doesn’t necessarily mean that yin and yang forces must be equal – rather it means that both must be present and that no area of the garden is either too yin or too yang. 

Choose succulents like the jade plant
Choose succulents like the jade plant

Good feng shui plants to consider are succulents, such as the jade plant with thick water-filled leaves. The money plant is also a good choice (its botanical name is Philodendron scandens). This one needs plenty of water and doesn’t do well in strong sunlight. If you are selecting flowers consider the peony, chrysanthemum or flowering bulbs like the narcissus or lilies. For longevity consider planting bamboo or pine trees and go for the smaller variety. 

Orange trees symbolize good fortune
Orange trees symbolize good fortune

Fruit trees are definitely auspicious so try for a few in your garden area if possible. The peach tree is a wonderful choice as is the orange tree – a popular symbol of good fortune. If you have a pair of orange or lime trees it is considered extremely good feng shui and they are best grown within view of the main front door. If your garden is in the back of your home, then within view of your back door. 

Always keep your garden well cared for with love and attention to enjoy a good life and extremely wonderful feng shui! 

Happy gardening! 

~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman


Feng Shui Tip: No Plants in Your Bedroom

Plants in the bedroom

In the 5-element cycle (see chart below), wood destroys earth. Since a loving relationship benefits from earth energy, please remove plants (wood energy) from your bedroom. Even if they are pretty, plants do little to enhance romance and can even cause problems in your relationship. 

Don’t place any cacti or plants with sharp thorns on your window sills. These create secret poison arrows that can cause resentment and dissatisfaction in the relationship. 


Element Cycles of Feng Shui


~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman


Feng Shui Flash: There is Magic in the Twinkling Lights



It’s that magical time of year! It’s not hard to get into the Christmas spirit as we stroll in our neighborhood, shopping malls and Christmas markets, all transformed with decorations and thousands of twinkling white and colored lights!

Such lighting and all the decorations create a feeling of instant happiness and seem to uplift your spirit even if you are feeling down. At night, it is even more powerful as the lights create the cosmic balance of opposing yin and yang forces … opposing yet complimentary forces of light against the darkness of night unlocking plenty of good fortune energy. 

Now here’s something you might not have thought about. It’s the “twinkling” aspect of each little light being turned off and on that has significance. Newer light energy gets created with each twinkle, just consider the power that is unleashed with millions and millions of these lights. The multiplication effect of yang energy is incredibly powerful!

This is one reason why lights like this make an auspicious and powerful offering to the Divine Universe: Buddhists, Hindus and Christians alike all use light, be it with candles or electric lights on their altars representing light offering to their gods or deities. And the brighter the lights offered, the greater it benefits the positive transformation of the minds of the devotees making the light offerings. 

Now if you have a retail shop or a restaurant, twinkling lights are considered excellent feng shui enhancing agents. Restaurants and nightclubs draw in more customers and experience increased business when they are festively adorned, which is why many businesses keep white light up all year long! Yes, the lights themselves have the power to pull in plenty of new customers because they create a sense of happiness and goodwill which is very good for any business. 

I personally keep white lights up all year long and add colored light with each holiday. We have switched over from the traditional incandescent lights to LEDs. The LED lights do not get hot nor take up a lot of energy as the incandescent lights. I feel much safer with them light all day and through most of the night as well.

If you experience ‘seasonal depression’ after all the Christmas or HolyDays decorations and lights are packed away… maybe consider leaving some white lights out. Especially to get through the ‘darkness and coldness’ of winter. 

In this season of celebration and festivity and in the upcoming lunar New Year, it is a most auspicious time to decorate with plenty of new twinkling lights in your home, office or business. Add these sparkling wonders to your altars as well and they can remain here all year long! Have fun and make your home come alive, imbued with the powerful yang energy unleashed by the “twinkling” aspects of the lights. It also helps to create fresh new chi (energy) for the coming year! 

~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman


Feng Shui Tip: 8 Ways To Revitalize Your Bedroom Energy and Improve Your Love Life.



If you’ve been enjoying Feng Shui with me for a while, you know how important it is to develop a greater sensitivity to the energy of our homes. If the energy has grown stale in your love life or marriage, you will first need to clear the negative energy to Balance and revitalize your space.

Here are 8 ways you can do this:

  1. Clear Negative Energy From Your Sleeping SpaceGive your mattress and pillow a sunbath! At least once a month light fragrant incense and walk around your bed clockwise to remove any lingering negativity.  It’s alright if you can’t walk completely around the bed due to the headboard is against the wall. Just walk around the bed and the room with incense. Open the windows if you are able, to let in the fresh yang energy of the outdoor air.
  2. Clear Clutter From Around Your BedNever place old clothes, books, personal items or memorabilia under your bed. If your bedside table starts piling up with books and other kinds of junk, spend some time each month to sort through and put things back where they belong. 
  3. Purify Your Bed SpaceUse saffron water to cleanse the space your bed occupies. Sprinkle the saffron water as you walk three times around the bed in a clockwise direction. Saffron is a very powerful substance for purifying space. Do this cleansing ritual at least once a month. If you are not familiar with saffron water, click here  more details, including a recipe. 
  4. Balancing Yin and YangWhen the air is especially dry or polluted, spray the air with water droplets to restore the balance. I also like to use a natural enzyme spray. The yin and yang balance of air in the home exerts tremendous energy on the prevailing mood of family members.
  5. Energize the Southwest with Yellow and or GoldIf you can, paint the SW wall of your bedroom yellow and have gold accessories. (Such as photo frames, curtains, pillows, candles, etc.) This part of your bedroom should not be cluttered. Keep this area free of unwanted junk and a least once a week spend a few minutes clearing away whatever has accumulated in your SW area of your bedroom.
  6. Balance Negativity By Visualizing Rays of LightStand outside your house and look at your house. Close your eyes and imagine the sun as a throbbing ball of powerful, nourishing white energy sending out rays of light from the sky, moving slowly and benevolently into your home and bedroom.
  7. Protect Your RelationshipNever have a body of water or fountain to the left of the bedroom door (when you are looking from the inside of the room facing out). Also don’t have two separate mattresses concealed under the sheets,  have a water fountain in your bedroom, huge pictures of water over your bed, or have mirrors or a TV reflecting your bed.
  8. Keep This OUT of Your Bedroom
phones in bed
Stay connected… with your partner, not your phone.

We’re all so addicted to our devices today that it seems people cannot be without them for even a moment! We just have to stay connected. But it’s important to remember to keep them out of your bedroom. Computer screens act just like mirrors due to their reflective surfaces and may cause conflicting energies between you and your partner to develop. 

Don’t lose the ability to talk to your partner, kids, family and friends. Don’t let your work come between you and your family. Your bedroom should be much more of a YIN than yang place with quiet and calm energies that nurture a loving relationship. Stay connected with your family and your partner…not just your phone or laptop. 

~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman
