Feng Shui Tip: The Power of Flowers and Indoor Plants

Feng Shui Flower Power


Flowers and plants are extremely useful in creating good feng shui. Everyone loves fresh flower arrangments as they bring good vibes and great energy into the home. However, good feng shui can quickly be transformed into bad energy, so please note the following:

  • Rotting, wilting flowers – there is nothing worse! Fresh flower arrangements should be thrown out as soon as they start to wilt, as the energy will quickly turn bad.
  • Dried flowers are not good for they represent yin energy. Anything dead or decaying creates an excess of yin energy. When ever there is an excess of either yin or yang energy, it creates unbalanced energy which is not harmonious at all.
  • Flowers and plants create a lot of yang energy which is why they are generally not suited for your bedroom. Placing flowers or plants in the bedroom makes it excessively yang and may create difficulty in resting calming or sleeping soundly. However they are most suitable for people that are sick and would be excellent in the bedroom since they bring precious yang energy to those suffering or recovering from an illness.
  • Cactus plants usually contain deadly thorns and create bad energy when placed inside the home or office. Think of the thorns as tiny poison arrows that could create misfortune or loss. Instead move cactus plant outside where they can act as “protectors” and fend off negative chi that may be attacking your home.  You can place small ornate cactus plants (no more than 3 plants) on an enclosed porch area where it can be protected from cooler weather. I have a beautiful Christmas Cactus and it will die if I leave it outdoors all year long, so I placed it in our enclosed porch area by the front door. It has the ‘job’ of protecting our front door.
  • Bonsai plants suggest stunted growth and are not good feng shui. Even though they can be quite beautiful in their miniature form, they signify blockage to growth making them particularly harmful to relationships, personal growth and business.


Feng Shui is all about creating balance and harmony between nature and your home, property and sacred space. Magickal energies happen when we go with the flow (the productive flow) of nature, not against it (the destructive flow).


~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman




Feng Shui


Feng Shui Tip: The Dangers of “Excessive Yin Formation” in your Home.

Sometimes things go wrong for no apparent reason. Everyone is in good health and then suddenly sickness descends on the household. Quarrels flare up at home and work without foundation. Friends become adversaries, accidents occur and your stress level is high. Older people may have sudden bouts of arthritis, back aches etc. What is going on? 

Your home may be suffering from what is called “Excessive Yin Formation”. You see, yin forces or yin chi can be very harmful when it dominates the energy of yang spaces like your living or dining areas where you spend a lot of time. It also may affect you in the workplace. You must recognize what’s happening and don’t let yin energy dominate any space in your home … it must be kept to a minimum. Think about your home and how the chi flows. Maybe your son or daughter has gone off to college and their bedroom is dark with the curtains pulled tightly closed, and your unoccupied guestroom is closed and stuffy. These are areas where excessive yin chi can build up. 

Open the windows for yang energy
Open the windows for yang energy

The good news is that Excessive Yin Formation can be quickly removed and/or transformed into yang energy. Do this by giving your home an “energy bath”; open the doors and windows frequently permitting the sunshine, breeze and fresh yang energy to enter. Play music, have a party and let the pets run freely to raise yang chi. Keep accent lights on, such as: Himalayan Salt Lamps, strings of lights and small table or floor lamps. 

Many people suffer from Excessive Yin Formation at work. This may be due to unhappiness from gossip, jealousy or someone reporting false information to your boss to make you look bad. The yin forces just become too dominant. You need more yang energy. If you can, display a picture or a small statue of a rooster painted in red and gold to peck away your problems. The fire and metal energy overcomes the quarrelsome energy. You can also use a Laughing Buddha in gold and red colors. Make sure the image or statue is facing the direction of the person causing you trouble! 

The most important thing to remember in feng shui is Balance! Keep yin and yang in balance but create more yang rather than yin. 

~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman

Feng Shui Healing for your Home, Health and Happiness.
