Today at 3 pm ET, 12:21 Time to Shine Special Event with Rev. Lea Chapin, Pam Silver Eagle, Melissa Parks, Stacey Ericson and Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman. SIGN UP NOW to Join Us!

Happy Winter Solstice (Soulstice) and The Great Conjunction

Monday, 21 December 2020 at 3 pm ET

This Winter Golden Solstice (Soulstice) brings a huge flood of Christ Consciousness Light to our planet which has been helping to raise our collective energy and vibration. Today is also The Great Conjunction where Jupiter and Saturn meet in Aquarius. This will be the closest they have been since 1623!

It is truly our Time to Shine!

Presenters: Rev. Lea Chapin, Pam Silver Eagle, Melissa Parks, Stacey Ericson and Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman.

SIGN UP and Reserve your Spot NOW: