Casting the Net of Light for the World

Grandmothers Speak


“The present imbalance of energy on earth has placed all life in danger. It is time to return to balance.”  The Great Council of the Grandmothers are calling us to step into our power, calling women and men to reach out to one another in love.

All are welcome to this work.
“This is the Net of Light that will hold the earth during the times of change that are upon you. You are part of this Net. Take your glorious place.”
“Here is a picture that’s worth a thousand words,” the Grandmothers said. “On the right is the Net of Light or Cosmic Web that connects all things in the universe. When science recently learned how to photograph “dark matter,” they came upon the Net of Light. This photograph of the Net or Web illustrates how everything in the Universe is linked to everything else.
“The photo on the left that shows lone stars floating against a dark background is a traditional depiction of space where every form is distinct from all others. This photo not only depicts space,” the Grandmothers said, “but it also illustrates the popularly accepted view of the world–that everyone and everything on earth is separate from everything else. This old “truth” they shook their heads, “is simply not true.
“Each time you think of and work with the Net of Light, you move away from the consciousness of separation you were taught was “real,” and open to the actual REALITY of life. As the photograph on the right shows, each of you is part of the flow of life, part of the One Love. There is no separation.
We ask you to think of and work with the Net of Light each day. Do this to strengthen it so it can better support the earth at this time. Do it for yourself and for everything that lives.”
The Universe

Deep connection to one another, the ancestors, and the lands where we’ll meet. Our goal is healing, our reach will be broad.

The Great Council of the Grandmothers message is, as ever, a return to balance between Yin and Yang and a respect for the underlying unity of life. They ask us to live in the One Love and offer to guide us past the superficial boundaries of nationality, time, and space.

Together we will heal the past and in so doing, heal the present. We will link the lands where we gather with the Net of Light to bring reconciliation to many dimensions.

  • Join the earth to the the Net of Light to heal old wounds.
  • Connect with the ancestors of the light within the specific locations where we  gather
  • Harmonize relationships to mend wounds of individuals, cultures, races, and nations.

If you feel called to be part of this service to yourself, your family, your country, and the family of life, please come.

  • Pennsylvania, U.S. A., October 9-11
  • Oostmalle,Belgium, October 23-25

For more information and to register for a Gathering of the Grandmothers, go to: