Numerology ~ A New Perspective on the word ‘LOCKDOWN.’

Perspective on the word Lockdown from Jane Alton

A New Perspective on the Word ‘LOCKDOWN’


The word ‘Lockdown’ currently has great significance in our lives, particularly now that it applies to all of us rather than just a few.

The first letter ‘L’ is a 3 and the first vowel ‘O’ is a 6, these numbers dominate the word.
The 3 represents the trinity and great creativity.
The 6 represents harmony and taking responsibility.

The Soul Urge (S/U) or motivation that comes from this word (12/ 3) can be viewed as the trinity made real or viable (3 x 4 = 12), structures that have been developed so creativity can flourish. This can also be seen in how we have 12 hours in the day, 12 months in the year and 12 signs of the zodiac. This number can also represent great harmony and poise, (6 x 2 = 12) as masculine (1) and feminine (2) energies work together, taking responsibility for creating new solutions (3).

The 12th card in Tarot is ‘The Hanged Man’ (Le Pendu). This card represents how many of us are feeling at the moment, upside down with all the money falling out of our pockets while we are holding on by a thread.  On the other hand, the person on the card is poised and at peace, away from the drama. If we look closely we can see the 7 represented with his legs in the shape of a 4 and his arms making the shape of a triangle, representing the 3. The trees either side can represent the 11/ 2, which acts as a channel and a direct link to spirit. The golden rope symbolises his connection with spirit and his Soul. The key aspect to the 11 is the space to connect with spirit, away from the usual dramas and distractions; a person in a cocoon, allowing himself to go with the flow.

The Personality Number (P) that comes from this word is 22/ 4 (2 x 11). The true spirit of this year (2020) comes from these 2s, a time of gestation and internalisation. With the 2 we have separation for the first time. 22/ 4 also represents the Master Builder, building with the love and wisdom that can be found in such periods, represented by the 2.  There is potential here for big projects to come from the creativity that results from being upside down and forced to do things in new ways, think in new ways and look at things in new ways.  As they say, necessity is the mother of invention.

The Overall Self Expression (OSE) or the sum of the numbers that come from this word (34/ 7), represents a new structure (4) born of great creativity (3), a new structure for the spirit (7).

We have a unique opportunity here to think in new ways and to create new structures that allow creativity to flourish. As this process has to happen, embracing the opportunity that has presented itself and allowing this process, without putting energy into resistance, will allow us more energy and space for new thinking and creativity so the new structures can emerge.

On one level we have no choice but to allow this to happen, feeling optimistic may make the process less painful and may allow us to go with the flow and see where this takes us.

So, hands off and let it happen… Why not let spirit take the lead?


~ Jane Alton



Numerology for Sunday, 5 January 2020

Numerology for 05/January/2020

A truth may become crystal clear to you in some way today and you may take the decision to act on this. You are determined but can be constantly re-evaluating and putting things off as a result. Now may be the time for new structures and new thinking. Not one to be kept down for long, you’re very resilient and resourceful, with a great capacity for comebacks.

It is important that you stay positive and remain a team player as much as possible. Don’t get stuck dwelling in the past and don’t be afraid to ask for help and guidance. Open yourself to the spiritual and you may find yourself in new territory.

~Jane Alton



Numerology for 1st and 2nd of January 2020.

Numerology for 1 and 2/January/2020

It is important you take time off from work, as you make tremendous demands on yourself and have such high standards. For your health it is important that you find ways to express your emotions and the courage to do things in your own way, as much as possible. Rather than put energy into frustration – try ‘hands off – let it happen’ and you may find everything works out fine. Reconnect with your feelings and with others, letting in new ideas and new solutions.

The challenge for 2019 was to look at the bigger picture and focus much more on working together to find new solutions and new ways of doing things.

The challenge for 2020 is to focus on building viable new structures resulting from this, while connecting to the much bigger picture and promoting peace and harmony.

The 20s in 2020 encourages everyone to take their time, working in more subtle ways to get every detail right, employing great care, thoroughness and consideration.

We are also at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius which is about the brotherhood of man and the two 2s now in the year, encourage a more diplomatic, sensitive approach. As we start to see both sides of situations true compassion and ‘soft power’ can potentially emerge.


~ Jane Alton



Numerology for Tuesday ~ 31 December 2019

Numerology for 31/December/2019

Things may not be going according to plan and you may have to compromise more than you would like. Find time to go into the quiet and listen to your inner voice, as well as to the opinions of others and try to trust others more. Try to see the bigger picture, know that when your heart is in your actions and when you believe in what you are doing, there can be great intuition and synchronicity.

You may have a vision you want to make real and may feel you have to push through powerful barriers to truly be yourself, but still try also to see things as others do. You may be looking for perfection, but may have to make the best of where the wind takes you, accepting life as it is, not how you think it should be.

~ Jane Alton



Numerology for Wednesday ~ 18 December 2019

Numerology for 18/December/2019

Your thoughts and plans may be detailed and far reaching and you are in it for the long haul. You are very persistence and when things are not working out well, this can cause problems.

You can make great demands on others as well as yourself so you need to recognize when others are unable or unwilling to change and tailor your expectations accordingly. You cannot impose your beliefs on others and it is important to see things as others do. You don’t have to be in charge for everything to come right.

~ Jane Alton




Numerology for Friday ~ 6 December 2019

Numerology for 06/December/2019

Take time out to recharge and express the beauty. Master your emotions, focus on the positive and getting the essentials done. You are very practical and may have to develop tolerance and acceptance of the weakness in others, seeing things as others do. If your environment is not the way you like it, take a look within to see what is being reflected back to you and feel gratitude for what this is teaching you.

~ Jane Alton



Numerology for Tuesday ~ 19 November 2019

Numerology for 19/November/2019

You may be filled with revolutionary spirit and you may know the place you want to get to, but you may have great difficulty expressing yourself. Try not to put energy into feelings of frustration, learn the value of silence and that you can’t impose your views on others.

Understand that change has to begin within you and all the time you are not at peace you may feel in the middle of a conflict zone. When you make decisions without emotion, things can seem straight forward, but bring in emotion and everything can be more complicated. Rein in your impulsiveness and take responsibility, learn the value of co-operative ventures and positive thinking. Try to see things as others do and focus on taking action to help those with no voice.

~ Jane Alton



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