Today at 1 pm ET, Marcia Morse, Feng Shui Practitioner, is the Special Guest on the Joyful Findings Show with Melissa Parks.

Goldylocks Productions presents Joyful Findings with Melissa Parks.

Today, Wednesday, 12 May 2021 at 1 pm ET.

Melissa Parks is an Earth Angel, a talented Psychic Trance Medium, Angelic Guided Healer, Reiki Master, Spiritual Advisor and Spiritual Teacher. As a child she was able to see and communicate with the Spirit World but was shut down and told to ignore her gifts. Most of her life was filled with hurt, anger and pain. It wasn’t until a “voice” told her she must forgive her childhood abuser that her heart had truly opened and her Spiritual Journey began.

Once she embraced her True Self and her connection to God’s Divine Beings, she understood her life’s plan. She now spreads Love and Light, giving Guidance and Healing to all who seek it. Whether in a reading or healing session she opens to Past Loved Ones, Angels, Guides and many Multi-Dimension Healers to bring forth powerful messages of Guidance and Healing.

Special Guest: Marcia Morse

Discover a new way of living with Marcia Morse. Marcia is a certified Feng Shui practitioner and has been practicing privately for over 10 years. Marcia has taken this to the next level classical Feng Shui, connecting heaven, earth and man, in your space based on your horoscope, your date of birth to create the flow of your life.

Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live Streamed Show on the Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel and the Melissa Parks Psychic Facebook Page.   

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Today at 1 pm ET, Marcia Morse is the Special Guest on the Joyful Findings show with Melissa Parks. Watch and Participate in this Uplifting Live Streamed Show!

Goldylocks Productions presents Joyful Findings with Melissa Parks.

Today, Wednesday, 10 February 2021 at 1 pm ET.

Melissa Parks is an Earth Angel, a talented Psychic Trance Medium, Angelic Guided Healer, Reiki Master, Spiritual Advisor and Spiritual Teacher. As a child she was able to see and communicate with the Spirit World but was shut down and told to ignore her gifts. Most of her life was filled with hurt, anger and pain. It wasn’t until a “voice” told her she must forgive her childhood abuser that her heart had truly opened and her Spiritual Journey began.

Once she embraced her True Self and her connection to God’s Divine Beings, she understood her life’s plan. She now spreads Love and Light, giving Guidance and Healing to all who seek it. Whether in a reading or healing session she opens to Past Loved Ones, Angels, Guides and many Multi-Dimension Healers to bring forth powerful messages of Guidance and Healing.

Special Guest: Marcia Morse

Discover a new way of living with Marcia Morse. Marcia is a certified Feng Shui practitioner and has been practicing privately for over 10 years. Marcia has taken this to the next level classical Feng Shui, connecting heaven, earth and man, in your space based on your horoscope, your date of birth to create the flow of your life.

Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live Streamed Show on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel and the  Melissa Parks Psychic Facebook Page.   

NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 2 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer.

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Today at 1 pm ET, Marcia Morse, Feng Shui Practitioner, is the Special Guest on the Joyful Findings Show with Melissa Parks. Watch and Participate in this Harmonious Live Streamed Show!

Goldylocks Productions presents the Joyful Findings Show with Melissa Parks.

Today, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 at 1 pm ET.

Melissa Parks is an Earth Angel, a talented Psychic Trance Medium, Angelic Guided Healer, Reiki Master, Spiritual Advisor and Spiritual Teacher. As a child she was able to see and communicate with the Spirit World but was shut down and told to ignore her gifts. Most of her life was filled with hurt, anger and pain. It wasn’t until a “voice” told her she must forgive her childhood abuser that her heart had truly opened and her Spiritual Journey began.

Once she embraced her True Self and her connection to God’s Divine Beings, she understood her life’s plan. She now spreads Love and Light, giving Guidance and Healing to all who seek it. Whether in a reading or healing session she opens to Past Loved Ones, Angels, Guides and many Multi-Dimension Healers to bring forth powerful messages of Guidance and Healing.

Special Guest: Marcia Morse

Discover a new way of living with Marcia Morse. Marcia is a certified Feng Shui practitioner and has been practicing privately for over 10 years. Marcia has taken this to the next level classical Feng Shui, connecting heaven, earth and man, in your space based on your horoscope, your date of birth to create the flow of your life.

Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live Streamed Show on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.  

NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer.

Feng Shui Tip: The Power of Flowers and Indoor Plants


Flowers and plants are extremely useful in creating good feng shui. Everyone loves fresh flower arrangments as they bring good vibes and great energy into the home. However, good feng shui can quickly be transformed into bad energy, so please note the following:

  • Rotting, wilting flowers – there is nothing worse! Fresh flower arrangements should be thrown out as soon as they start to wilt, as the energy will quickly turn bad.
  • Dried flowers are not good for they represent yin energy. Anything dead or decaying creates an excess of yin energy. When ever there is an excess of either yin or yang energy, it creates unbalanced energy which is not harmonious at all.
  • Flowers and plants create a lot of yang energy which is why they are generally not suited for your bedroom. Placing flowers or plants in the bedroom makes it excessively yang and may create difficulty in resting calming or sleeping soundly. However they are most suitable for people that are sick and would be excellent in the bedroom since they bring precious yang energy to those suffering or recovering from an illness.
  • Cactus plants usually contain deadly thorns and create bad energy when placed inside the home or office. Think of the thorns as tiny poison arrows that could create misfortune or loss. Instead move cactus plant outside where they can act as “protectors” and fend off negative chi that may be attacking your home.  You can place small ornate cactus plants (no more than 3 plants) on an enclosed porch area where it can be protected from cooler weather. I have a beautiful Christmas Cactus and it will die if I leave it outdoors all year long, so I placed it in our enclosed porch area by the front door. It has the ‘job’ of protecting our front door.
  • Bonsai plants suggest stunted growth and are not good feng shui. Even though they can be quite beautiful in their miniature form, they signify blockage to growth making them particularly harmful to relationships, personal growth and business.


Feng Shui is all about creating balance and harmony between nature and your home, property and sacred space. Magickal energies happen when we go with the flow (the productive flow) of nature, not against it (the destructive flow).


~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman




Feng Shui: Activate the Luck of Friendship with your Allies and Secret Friend!


Each animal sign in the Chinese Zodiac belongs to an “Affinity Triangle” that is made up of three animal signs. The other two animal signs in your triangle are your “allies”. You tend to get along better with these people who have positive affinity with your personal sign. 


OX, SNAKE & ROOSTER the Intellectuals
TIGER, HORSE & DOG the Adventurers
RABBIT, SHEEP & BOAR the Diplomats
MONKEY, DRAGON & RAT the Competitors


You also have a “Secret Friend” who is especially compatible with you. Your secret friend will help you in times of need and you usually get on well with people of this sign.

Here are the pairings of “Secret Friends”:

Ox & Rat Dragon & Rooster
Tiger & Boar Snake & Monkey
Rabbit & Dog Horse & Sheep

You can activate the luck of your secret friends and allies by displaying their images or symbols in your home. You can also “borrow” the luck of your allies and secret friend if your luck is not so good. For example, if you are a dragon you can display images of your allies; the monkey, dragon and rat in the SE area of your home. You can also display images of the dragon and rooster (secret friends) together in this sector. Now, if you are an ox, display images of the ox, rooster and snake in the NE area of your home, along with the ox and rat (your secret friend).

Best wishes and Happy Chinese New Year!

Feng Shui: Taking Care of the Paper Clutter Monster


One thing that’s always annoyed me is paper clutter and maybe it bothers you too. It should. Things like stacks of old unpaid (or paid) bills, unopened letters, catalogs and magazines that we promise ourselves we’ll file or look at someday, newsletters, advertisements, general correspondence and so on. This type of clutter kind of sneaks up on you as the piles get bigger and just looking at the mess exhausts you. For good reason.  If you’re suffering from headaches, migraines and low energy you can be sure this is part of the problem. I have made this type of cleanup a habit and priority in my home and home office, and you should too. 

Paper clutter is one of the worst kinds of clutter. It can cause you distress, exhaust your spirit and even cause your work and/or business to decline. It creates stagnant, yin energy and can accumulate quickly, especially if you’re the hoarder type that doesn’t like to throw anything away.

Think about your desk at work, the table by your bedside,  the dining room table, coffee table or any flat surface, your work space at home and even your garage! What does your paper clutter look like right now?

Do you have stacks of unpaid bills, documents and other things at home and in the office? Old newspapers and magazines piled high? We all dislike filing but it simply must be done. When you leave heaps of paper, notes about something you are working on, bills and marketing offers around, they cause unconscious worry. You can’t find things you are looking for, it takes more of your time. Nothing is in the right place. You may not recognize it at first, but gradually it impinges on the subconscious mind causing stress, tension and even headaches. It not only affects your physical body but your spirit as well. Do you feel ‘blocked’ in certain areas of your life? If the chi or energy in your home is blocked, this creates blocks in your life as well. 

Does this sound like you or your spouse? Do you may complain about your spouse or partner? Does he or she just let mail build up and just can’t throw anything away? Seriously, there are lots of people like this. Sometimes you just have to be the one to make it happen. Explain the dangerous nature of this type of energy and be the one to keep your home clear of paper mess even if it’s not yours. This applies to other types of clutter too such as dirty clothes laying around, books piled high, old food in the refrigerator … you get the picture. 

Be the one in your home that keeps the chi (energy) moving because honestly, some people are just messy and/or lazy. Sometimes it’s easier to fix this kind of problem yourself rather than nag and argue. And once it is done you’ll feel great … as will your family. When the chi can flow, all kinds of special things begin to happen. 

At least today there is the option of paying bills online, which many people prefer. This is a start and definitely helps curb the paper clutter problem, not to mention the ‘green’ benefits. But what about the tons of unimportant junk mail that arrives, especially during the holiday season? Get rid of it right away. Immediately recycle any unwanted letters or offers and don’t hang on to those catalogs that you will never order from or even have time to read. Just get rid of them. 

When you do this daily, you’ll find that paper clutter doesn’t have a chance of piling up and it’s quick and easy. Make it a habit. Don’t be lazy about filing paid bills or important documents. When you do these things on a regular basis your life becomes easier and less stressful. Take care of your paper clutter monster today. 


~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman

Let me help you to declutter your home or work space. A happy home is a Healthy Home! Schedule your appointment with me today! 


Feng Shui Tip: Your Garden

Feng shui masters often recommend plants to help diffuse bad chi and energize good feng shui. If you are wondering why, it’s because plants represent wood – the only one of the five elements that has life. That’s why garden feng shui is so important, you must ensure that the areas surrounding the exterior of your home are auspicious. This will far surpass anything you do on the inside! 

So, if you live in a home that is surrounded by a garden, be sure it is well cared for, filled with lush and healthy plants and that it has a nice balance of light and shade. In doing so, you will enjoy good fortune. But, if your garden is left untended and weeds and underbrush begin to take over, the once happy energy will dissolve and yin energy will dominate. Your health, prosperity and happiness will certainly suffer. 

Note that you don’t need a large garden to attract the precious yang energy that will create a healthy growth of wealth for you. City gardens, apartment and rooftop gardens can also be designed to effectively capture the best energy even with space constraints! 

Most of the good garden feng shui depends on the plants that you select. When you are choosing the plants for your garden, it’s important to keep balance in mind. In addition to lots of healthy flowering plants with happy yang energy, you will also need some shady areas and leafy trees to maintain yin and yang harmony. When we speak of “balance” it doesn’t necessarily mean that yin and yang forces must be equal – rather it means that both must be present and that no area of the garden is either too yin or too yang. 

Choose succulents like the jade plant

Good feng shui plants to consider are succulents, such as the jade plant with thick water-filled leaves. The money plant is also a good choice (its botanical name is Philodendron scandens). This one needs plenty of water and doesn’t do well in strong sunlight. If you are selecting flowers consider the peony, chrysanthemum or flowering bulbs like the narcissus or lilies. For longevity consider planting bamboo or pine trees and go for the smaller variety. 

Orange trees symbolize good fortune

Fruit trees are definitely auspicious so try for a few in your garden area if possible. The peach tree is a wonderful choice as is the orange tree – a popular symbol of good fortune. If you have a pair of orange or lime trees it is considered extremely good feng shui and they are best grown within view of the main front door. If your garden is in the back of your home, then within view of your back door. 

Always keep your garden well cared for with love and attention to enjoy a good life and extremely wonderful feng shui! 

Happy gardening! 

~ Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman

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