Jeremy Riden is the Special Guest on the Psychic Horizon Radio Show with host Shelley Hofberg, Today at 3 pm ET

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Goldylocks Productions Presents the Psychic Horizon Show with Shelley Hofberg, Today, Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 3 pm ET.

Shelley Hofberg is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Tarot Reader, Pet Psychic and Healer. Her multi-faceted gifts are reflected in her multi-faceted psychic career. Shelley has appeared on NBC television, the Discover Channel and is included in feature articles of newspapers such as the Hollywood Independent and Ventura Star.  As a staff member of the West Coast Well Being metaphysical publication, Shelley was responsible for writing a pet psychic column and as a pet psychic, was mentioned in Lisa Barretta’s published book, ‘The Street Smart Psychic Guide to Getting a Good Reading.’


Special Guest: Jeremy Riden






Jeremy is an Intuitive Soul Coach.  As a Soul Coach, Jeremy’s mission is to help people from all over the world to discover their deepest passions, truest purposes, greatest potential and their highest path!  Jeremy is used by the Universe to facilitate emotional healing in the souls of his clients.  He helps his clients to tap into their subconscious mind and replace any negative beliefs that might be holding a person back from receiving their highest good.

Along with teaching the intuitive sciences like Astrology, Numerology, and Destiny Cards, Jeremy is Clairaudient. If you desire to tap into your greatness, find out what your unique life path is, discover why you are here and how to achieve your destiny… just ask Jeremy!

Shelley and Jeremy will be giving callers psychic medium and destiny readings.

Call in Number is 323-870-3791

Please unblock your phone number if you wish to get on air with Shelley and Jeremy. Press 1 to get on to the switchboard to get on air. If you wish to listen only…don’t press 1.

Listen to the Live Radio Show and participate in Chat here:

Numerology for Tuesday, 6 October 2015 by Jane Alton

Numerology for 06/October/2015

Harmony and laughter are important to you today. You are full of ideas and don’t want to get caught up in the mundane or the detail. Some may find your need to be endlessly optimistic, downright depressing. You may have to stand alone with regard to this and go into the quiet to master your emotions and find the peace inside. When you are happy and in harmony you will find this surrounds you – so you may find laughter from unexpected places and people today.

~ Jane Alton

The Voice of Reason by Midwifery Today


“Good luck with that cesarean section problem,” said my webmaster as he posted the beautiful home water birth photos of mother Kalista and baby Loki with father Trace and sister Sophie immersed in love, joy and newborn water. “It seems we were talking about that problem 30 years ago.” Yep, he’s right. We were.

By 2013, ACOG had released their new definitions for gestation, making 40 weeks term and paving the way for inductions at 39 weeks. California-licensed midwives received news of tighter restrictions for homebirth. National and world statistics worsened for infant and maternal mortality making it seem reasonable to move toward higher requirements for birth worker education and tighter control for standards in childbirth. ACOG seems to be the voice of reason.

I, however, am the voice of another reason. In all these rulings, standards, guidelines and laws, the voice of the mother is rarely seen as the expert. Her final knowing and final word ought to stand firm above the knowing of others about her; this is a human rights issue. As we midwives started to create a tiny space to serve mothers, serve our callings and serve ourselves without being thrown into prison, we thought the mother’s voice was heard through our midwifery voice; this was our initial mistake. The Cherokee made the same mistake in calling all men brothers as the foreign foot stepped onto this land. Another’s voice can never replace the one to whom actions are being taken or suggested, especially when the action is insisted upon with threats of death. This is why one must go deep and quietly into the presence of birth to see what miracles are possible.

In his latest book, Childbirth and the Future of Homo Sapiens, Michel Odent concludes, “Let us work as if it is not too late.” Some may work for legislation, others for research, some with colleagues and some with mothers, but may all work with heart and soul with little thought of self and much thought of the seventh generation. I have many passions, but intellectualizing and standardizing birth is not one of them. So I am the voice of undisturbed birth and I am saying, “Stop frightening birthing mothers.” May we learn how to speak our truths without frightening others and without frightening ourselves.

Meanwhile, I wonder, why can’t we see that the way we are handling birth and the very real correlating outcomes are making things increasingly worse? Who cares how much more qualified, educated, scientific, evidence-based, equal or superior we have all become if we as a collective motherhood and as a collective midwifehood are more afraid of birth and, therefore, act accordingly. I’m not sure anyone with any education or training is best suited to be with a birthing mother. If a mother can somehow escape the claws of a professional, she ranks in the numbers of those women who are birthing the last free human beings on our planet—the last human life free from needles, machines, drugs, plastic, spotlights and the coercion of fear.

~ Sister MorningStar
Excerpted from “Voice of Reason,” Midwifery Today, Issue 110
View table of contents / Order the back issue

Numerology for Monday, 5 October 2015 by Jane Alton

Numerology for 05/October/2015

The truth is crystal clear to you and you may reach the point that you can’t just stand by, looking on and keeping the peace on the outside. Seeing things from the point of view of others may also be important today. So, don’t get carried away with yourself and keep things positive, whatever you have to say, remember love, joy and gratitude.

~ Jane Alton

Numerology for Sunday, 4 October 2015 by Jane Alton

Numerology for 04/October/2015

Obstacles may be shaking things up at every level, but among this you may see what needs to change. It may feel like ‘make or break’ and you may feel stuck but there are great opportunities here for growth and change. It’s time to let go of the past, set goals and focus on moving forward. Break the pattern of resignation and procrastination – it’s time to believe you can turn things around. Be grateful to obstacles they connect you to others in a whole new way, keep you focused and grounded.

~Jane Alton

Numerology for Friday, 2 October 2015 by Jane Alton

Numerology for 02/October/2015

You have lots of ideas and want to inspire others with your work. There may be a great deal of emotion and procrastination going on behind the scenes and your bark may be worse than your bite. You may be scaring others away, when you need them in your world.

Master your emotions and your fears and you can totally inspire others. Recognize that while things may not be happening as quickly as you would like and you may have to work with others more than you had planned, everyone is doing the best they can. Live and let live, understand that we are all here in service.

~ Jane Alton

Numerology for Wednesday, 30 September 2015 by Jane Alton

Numerology for 30/September/2015

You plan with great intelligence, are determined and you do your homework before opening your mouth. You truly want to uplift others with your vision and may be regarded as an expert in your field. But, you may have to ‘get real’ with regard to your plans, as you may be holding on too tightly to your way of doing things. Be open and accepting of new ways of doing things, you may find co-operative ventures inspire you to think in new ways and help you to connect with others in whole new ways.

~ Jane Alton

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